
What I Got

With tons of speculation on Mr. Frazer and zip… I mean nada new recruiting info, The Subway Domer has not posted a whole lot of new stuff. I do have some promises for you, and some updates on the site. (Check out OCDomer for a great write up about Frazer). Parts 3-5 of Subway Domers […]


In case you missed the news, Notre Dame and its jersey partner Adidas, announced in a press release that the October 20th meeting versus U$C will take on a retro feel. Notre Dame will “honor” the 1977 squad by donning the green jerseys. Of course, these are the uber fabulous uniform colors that helped make […]


An absolutely dominant word. Nemesis. What does it mean? Well, two of the definitions are; 1. Archenemy, and 2. punishment or defeat that is deserved and cannot be avoided. These are strong definitions that fit in context with the ND Football program very well. Because we have them. But, we may not have them for […]

What The …..

Subway Domer will be back up and posting soon, but I wanted to take some time and give the site a new look and feel. (Actually I wasn’t sure, but I clicked the button … so no going back). Should be all finished around 2 p.m. tomorrow. Thank-You Subway Domer

Omar Hunter Is Not A Skunkbear

Omar Hunter, the 6’2″ 295 pound defensive tackle from Buford Georgia announced his commitment to Notre Dame for the incoming class of 2008 yesterday. Omar chose the Irish over a host of other schools such as; LSU, Florida, Auburn, and…wait for it… Meetchicken. While this is a very big surprise of sorts, it should be […]

Everybody Else Is Doing It…Part Deux

Welcome back to Subway Domer’s “Why The Hell Not, 2007 Predictions” This is the 2nd part of the 5 part epic. ND (2-1) VS. Sparty (3-0) 44-17 IRISH The Irish haven’t beaten Sparty in South Bend, since 1993. WOW. I knew the streak has been a long one (Thanks TY…Thanks Boobs), but what a drought. […]

3’s Company

There is an odd man out for the starting quarterback position at Notre Dame. And that guy is Zach Frazer. Irish fans were expecting a twosome to contend for the starting job this fall, as was told to us by Coach Weis, but the tricky Chuck named three potential gunslingers yesterday per a press release. […]

Everybody Else Is Doing It…Part One

The Brooklyn Bridge. How many times in your life have you heard this bit of wisdom; “If all your friends go jump off the Brooklyn Bridge, would you jump too?”. Well, the Subway Domer is ready to jump in with all the ass-clown making these huge preseason predictions (this is never more blatant than at […]

Bizarro And Commitment #13

Brandon Newman is Irish. The 6’1″ 305 pound nose tackle informed Coach Weis this weekend that he was coming to ND in 2008. This was during a scheduled visit to ND and a sleepover at Braxton Cave’s home. Captain Caveman has been as involved in recruiting other top talent as the Irish staff. The Pleasure […]

A Thought From The Tracks

I found this over at NDNation. If you don’t know, these are a few of the incoming Freshman for Fall 2007. Steve Paskorz (front row left) looks like he has been eating a lot of Skunkbears…raw. I like the plaid shorts. Brandon Walker (front row middle) might turn into a psycho at kicker. What? It […]

Ouch…And Thank God

The earlier reports of D.J. having been arrested were true. However, it appears that they failed to mention that the charges were dropped. The South Bend Tribune reported this today. This is great news. However I kind of feel cheated. I mean, now our Fulmer Cup points will be rescinded. Looks like Penn State, Purdue, […]

Jones Arrested. Oh Dear Kyle!

It has been reported by WSBT that Notre Dame Quarterback, Demetrius Jones, was arrested on Marijuana possession. Notre Dame Quarterback ArrestedDemetrius Jones was picked up in LaPorte County May 17th on a marijuana possession charge. He bonded out of jail that night.The LaPorte County prosecutor’s office says he has been charged with a misdemeanor possession […]

Happy Birthday Dad

Happy Birthday to the man that gave me Notre Dame Football. One of the greatest joys in life is sharing something special with loved ones and freinds. ND is that something special. I remember the first game we went to together, a comeback win versus Oklahoma at home. I remember the win versus Michigan in […]

Copycats, Copybucks, Copymakers And So Forth

You saw this coming, right? Have you been saving up the comebacks? For as long as Notre Dame has had its T.V. contract with NBC, the fans of the Big Integer have dogged ND about it. Well, maybe their contempt was out of pure jealousy.On Friday the 18th, The Big Ten network sent out a […]

Link-O-Rama…I Just Got Off Of Work Edition.

Here is a list of some good links to check out. Corwin Brown impresses Gator Nation. (BTW- If you haven’t checked out EDSBS, you are either a tool or uninformed). Blue-Gray Sky stalks Charlie Weis, and proves once again that Weis is the Emperor. OC Domer professes his love of Our Lady and of the […]

Hindsight Is 20/20 And What Could of Benn

The Irish are rolling right now. May is barely starting out and Notre Dame already has 12 verbal commits for the incoming class of 2008. The future is looking very bright, and the future is being widely discussed about for the next few years. It has me really thinking. People are asking each other; Who’s […]
