Jones Arrested. Oh Dear Kyle!

It has been reported by WSBT that Notre Dame Quarterback, Demetrius Jones, was arrested on Marijuana possession.

Notre Dame Quarterback Arrested
Demetrius Jones was picked up in LaPorte County May 17th on a marijuana possession charge. He bonded out of jail that night.
The LaPorte County prosecutor’s office says he has been charged with a misdemeanor possession charge. A university spokesman says Jones remain enrolled, and to his knowledge, is currently in good standing.
Last year, ND basketball player Kyle McAlarney was arrested for marijuana possession. He was suspended from the team and kicked out of school with the chance to return. St. Joseph County drug charges against him were dropped if he met certain conditions.
He’s supposed to be back in class this fall and could be back already.

I will not go into wild speculation about this arrest but I can guarantee you a few things…

  1. ND now has points in the Fulmer Cup.
  2. The QB race is down to 3 with less than a week to go.
  3. The Kyle McAlarney incident will have a huge effect on this matter.

Stay tuned for more.

About The Subway Domer

Warlord and Emperor of the Subway Alumni... also, I do this "dad" thing pretty damn well.
