
In case you missed the news, Notre Dame and its jersey partner Adidas, announced in a press release that the October 20th meeting versus U$C will take on a retro feel. Notre Dame will “honor” the 1977 squad by donning the green jerseys. Of course, these are the uber fabulous uniform colors that helped make Joe Montana a god.

This announcement has come with some mixed results from the Irish faithful. Most of the Domers, would like to see us “honor” the ’77 team with these colors versus the likes of Duke. Some do not want this at all and some seem O.K. with the retro day. Here is some advice from me, The Emporer of the Subway Alumni Nation… suck it up and deal with it! As it goes with a lot of things in life, this is just another detail that can not be controlled by us. So, to help the Domers out there who may be miffed or unsure about all this, here is some advice on what to do on October 20th, 2007.

  • Break out the vintage gear. Get in your closets or nearest Bargain Box/Salvation Army Store and dress to impress… all day.
  • Demand that this gas/oil crises be the same as it was in the 70’s and the same price.
  • Imagine Demetrius Jones as white, and 3rd string…and watch him save the day.
  • If you are 18-20 and in Ohio, go to a bar and demand to be served alcohol… just as you could in 1977.
  • Think of your President as a peanut farmer instead of a character in Peanuts.
  • Crank up some Freebird.
  • Enjoy the game.

This may seem a little much for some of you, but so will trying to pull off an upset with those yellow pants.

About The Subway Domer

Warlord and Emperor of the Subway Alumni... also, I do this "dad" thing pretty damn well.
