
Nothing Else To Say – Gameday Preview…Georgia Tech

With kickoff just a few hours away, there really is nothing new left, to put out there. So here we go… Georgia Tech Offense- Many around the college football world have equated “new math” when it comes to the GT offense. They figure addition because of subtraction to help this team. This means that many […]

Charlie Weis Reads Subway Domer

At least I would like to think so. A few weeks back in my “Freshman Are Special People” piece, I stated that Allen and Tate would probably be returning the kicks for the Irish. So imagine my lack of surprise when Weis stated they were 1&2 on the depth chart. This is of course… AWESOME. […]

No Title Needed

After what seemed like an eternity, but was really only a week, Subway Domer is back. At first I was really sweating that I might miss something or would log back onto the net and find out Clausen was arrested. Then I read the newspaper and saw Clausen WAS arrested, and I thought to myself, […]

Like The Pheonix…

I’m back bitches. Let me catch up on a few things, and I will have some info for you. I’ve been held hostage by a swarm of angry Yellow Jackets and was forced to …. I’ll tell ya later.


Sorry everyone! My hard drive crashed and I am going to be down for a few days. I will post part 2 of “What Do We Know” as soon as I get rolling again. Don’t worry the Tight Ends will be on there. Thanks for your patience as I have none for Dell and their […]

What Do We Know? Part 1

After the first week of practice (and a few days), they are still many questions surrounding this team. I’m not sure when the answers will come, other than to say ‘ We’ll see on September 1st. Here is a rundown of things we do know, along with a few maybes. What’s a blog good for […]

May You Be Silent

Not to go on a rant or anything, but…This has got to stop. I making this post as a plea to Irish fans, and SERIOUS college football fans in general. It is simple… No More Mark May. Quit posting about what he said in message boards. Quit talking about him to your friends. Quit e-mailing […]

Rebuilding? “May God Strike Me Dead.”

The first press conference of the season got underway today. There was the usual questions asked of Weis, and he really gave them no answer. ” Who’s the starter coach?” Like he was going to tell if he did know. But that’s why they pay reporters… to be idiots. The video archive is up and […]

Hand Out

Derrell Hand, a Junior defensive tackle, was suspended indefinitely yesterday for a violation of team rules. (Apparently, the team rules has something in it about prostitutes or… just being arrested in general).This is a bit of a blow to ND, which is already thin at DL, if he does not come back this year. Reports […]

Freshman Are Special People

With the first practice of the season coming in just a few days, the mention of the new season is causing an overabundance of excitement all across ND Nation. One of the primary topics every year is “What freshmen will play right away?”. This year is already no different in that aspect. Every message board […]

Polish Pride

With the college football season just a month away, the talking heads are out in full force on T.V. and radio. Most think U$C will walk away with the NC and Booty is going to be the Heisman front-runner. And while this may have some truth to it, remember 2005. Texas beat U$C (despite ESPN […]

It’s The Sport of Kings

Amidst schedule talk, countdowns, recruiting, dog fighting, and midget porn- College Football is only a little over a month away from actually existing. This will have you humming the tune for at least a few weeks.

How To Die Early…And Happy

I saw this on EDSBS and I had to spread the word. It was a link to a Penn State site that has concocted a treat so tasty and so dangerous, it has to be addictive. DEEP FRIED CHEESEBURGERS. (Scroll down on the linked page for the recipe). Seriously, this is fucking AWESOME!

Filling Up With Fist Pumps

Steve Filer is Irish. All of ND nation can breath out now. This has been THE commitment we all have been waiting for since September of last year. Steve chose the Irish over Ohio State and of course Michigan. The Irish were pegged a lock for Filer for quite some time, but appearances can be […]
