Play On Playa 2012

play on playa

Welcome to “Play On Playa 2012” here on Subway Domer. Friends, over the course of many years, there has been quite a bit of change on the site. Some good, and some not so good. One of my favorite series that I wrote was the “Wu Am I?” player profiles. In that series, I profiled the top 36 players (chambers) for the upcoming season. Last year, I moved away from the Wu and started a new series, “Play on Playa.” The goal was to profile the entire team- playa by playa. Unfortunately, and amazingly fortunately, my son was born at the end of May and was in the NICU for a month. So, last summer was a little light. The goal fell short by about 80 playas.

This year we will continue the series, but the exact number is up for grabs. Starting next week, we will start laying it all down. If you want to make sure a particular player is given his fair shake, let me know who and what song should be tagged with said playa. (Bonus points for Wu-Tang).

About The Subway Domer

Warlord and Emperor of the Subway Alumni... also, I do this "dad" thing pretty damn well.
