Dominant Things

It’s kind of rare when the topic du jour at Subway Domer gets off of the Fighting Irish, but something dominant, and beautiful has just happened. The Hicksville High School Aces are putting the cards back on the helmet! After a decade of darkness, The Subway Domer’s ‘ole stomping grounds are finally bringing back THE GREATEST HELMET IN ALL OF FOOTBALL. Believe that!

Here is a sneak peek of the past becoming the future: 

 hicksville high school aces

Pretty sweet, huh?! To be truthful, there is no way that these pictures accurately describe the helmet from my playing days. But, if you substitute the Bud Light can for a Natural Light can- we’re back in the mid-nineties.

I challenge anyone to try and send a picture of what you think is a better high school helmet. I dare ya. (Don’t even try to send a plain gold helmet, and say it’s badass because it’s like ND’s… you know damn well that the helmet you send in doesn’t have real gold in the paint). 

Since we are knee deep in high school recruiting, i thought this was at least a fitting time to show these… now, back to your regular programming.


About The Subway Domer

Warlord and Emperor of the Subway Alumni... also, I do this "dad" thing pretty damn well.
