Calling All Notre Dame Tailgaters!

One of the great traditions in sports, is tailgating at college football games. Yes, they have tailgating for just about anything these days, but nothing beats a Saturday on a college campus while partying hard enough to be enrolled again.

Notre Dame provides a unique atmosphere when it comes to tailgating. The picturesque campus and iconic buildings and landmarks are a college football fans dream come true. Most first time visitors and even those that have been to Notre Dame many, many times, are sure to walk around campus ready and willing to get a picture of themselves in front of Touchdown Jesus, the Grotto, We’re #1 Moses, the Golden Dome, the lakes, and just about everything else that Notre Dame wraps itself up with every Saturday.

There is so much going on, on the campus itself (Trumpets in the Dome, player walk, Bagpipe Band, and the sights) that sometimes the tailgating at Notre Dame can be overlooked.

Once you wander over to Joyce lot, you will bear witness to a sea of tents, flags, and a whole lot of different people. Perhaps the best known tradition of Notre Dame tailgating is its hospitality. Hospitality to ALL. This is not an SEC atmosphere (not that there is anything wrong with that). Irish tailgaters not only enjoy the visiting fans stopping by their spots, but encourage it as they pass by with a watchful eye.

You would be hard-pressed to find an opposing fan say that they were treated poorly out on the lots. As far as their team on the field… that could be a different story all together.

It is in this spirit, that the Notre Dame vs. USC game in South Bend has been chosen by TLG8 Gear to be part of a season long contest. While Irish fans are partying, representatives of TLG8 Gear will be walking around judging/looking for some of the best tailgates we have to offer. They will be stopping by, chatting, and taping some of the fun you are all having. Let them know what makes your tailgate party so special and how you do it each and every Saturday in the fall. Three finalists will be chosen. Those finalists will be voted on by us, the fans, on their website to see who takes home “The Best of the Wurst,” title and some sweet prizes. (Please see TLG8 website for rules).

Go out there and have some fun for this great rivalry game, and GO IRISH!!!


About The Subway Domer

Warlord and Emperor of the Subway Alumni... also, I do this "dad" thing pretty damn well.
