Bagpipe Monday: The Faithful

bagpipe monday

Though many things have changed from spring to fall, one thing remains constant and true. I am Irish. Through the darkest night, and the coldest mornings, I remain true. Though the world spits in my face and tosses heavy mud upon my shoulders, I am Irish. The harsh path laid before us is one of our own doing, and the lush valley of victory that we so desperately march towards, looks farther away. The remaining constant is faith. Faith in all things, through God, and in prayer, will make the journey just; even if the destination is never reached. I remain faithful, because I am Irish. I remain vigilant, because I am Irish. I remain thankful, because I am God’s.

About The Subway Domer

Warlord and Emperor of the Subway Alumni... also, I do this "dad" thing pretty damn well.
