The Brawling Hibernian Joins The Dark Side

I promised my fans on Facebook and on Twitter that I had some big news regarding Subway Domer. The Brawling Hibernian has thrown caution to the wind and is joining Subway Domer as a feature writer and fellow badass.

Some, if not most of you, are already familiar with him from his own blog. His writing style, passion, and like-mindedness forced my hand last year as I asked him to collaborate with me on the 2009 Recruiting Spectacular. To say that it was well received would be an understatement.

In this world of Notre Dame blogs, it is easy to take the path that leads to the “same old, same old” boring bullshit of stories already written a dozen times over. The Brawling Hibernian has proved to be a bit more like The Subway Domer than the rest. To make our own mark, we have written with a little more edge than the others, but we have also stayed away from making outlandish headlines and myopic behavior.

So, please welcome this latest addition to the Subway Domer staff and consider yourself warned. He will force-choke the shit out of you…

About The Subway Domer

Warlord and Emperor of the Subway Alumni... also, I do this "dad" thing pretty damn well.
