The Cannons Are Loaded…Crist Commits

Dayne Crist is the top quarterback in the state of California. Dayne Crist is coming to Notre Dame to play for the Irish. Sound familiar? For the 2nd year in a row ND is stealing one from the Poodle’s backyard. The news leaked out from the LA Times today. Crist chose the Irish over U$C, LSU, and Stanford.He becomes the 8th verbal commit for the Irish’s 2008 incoming class. The announcement was taped the other day and is prepared to run tonight on FSN at 10:30 Pacific time, but the LA Times in an eerily timed move, let the cat out of the bag today. (Mitch Mustain announced today that he will transfer to U$C).

Obviously, this is fantastic news. Now ND MUST go hard after the top-flight WRs. It’s not that the Irish haven’t been gunning for these kids, it’s just that they haven’t been pulling the trigger just yet. But with the cupboard full for at least another 4-5 years, it may make the decision easier for a few of the recruits out there.

This also adds some momentum heading into the Blue-Gold Game. There is going to be a lot of talent visiting ND this weekend, although not as much as last year, and I like the fact they are going to see some slots filling up. Rumors are flying around about Darius Flemming(LB) and Brandon Newman (NT) possibly committing this weekend as well. Is there a game going on?

About The Subway Domer

Warlord and Emperor of the Subway Alumni... also, I do this "dad" thing pretty damn well.
