Coaching Changes…Or So We Are Told

Ever since the Sugar Bowl there has been rampant discussion about changes to the ND coaching staff. One could not look anywhere on message boards and blogs without sorting through a wide array of rumors on what those changes might entail. The Subway Domer was going to defer any talk of a change until an official word was released by the University of Notre Dame. That however does not seem to have happened as fast as we would of all liked. So in light of the situation, I will now concede to the rumors and take into consideration that the new recruits are even talking about the change openly, and state that Corwin Brown is going to be the new Defensive Coordinator and Ron Powlus will become the new QB coach.

Corwin Brown, come on down! Welcome to the Notre Dame family. You are next in line for what seems to be the toughest job in DI-A.

Here are a few tidbits about Mr. Brown

  • Played for Michigan. This alone is cause for concern when you look no farther… a Skunkbear- what the hell. Read further.
  • He was a hard hitting player in NFL and was named in the top 5 for toughest players to play for Bill Parcells by Parcells himself. Go on my son.
  • Hates USC. He has got to hate them, right? Right! The reasons for this is simple: First he was cut by then Patriots HC Pete da poodle Carroll, Next he destroyed Keyshon Johnson and was close to decapitating him, and finally he just watched his Alma Mata get crushed by the poodle and SC.
  • Has the most familiarity as a coach with using a 3-4 defense. He might need Trevor Laws to beef up some more for this to work this year and do the same with our other DTs.
  • He has some college coaching experience with Virgina as a special teams coach.
  • He was the DB coach for the Jets through 2 administrations. Edwards and Mangini.

Notice that Brown has never been a DC in college or the pros. There have been a few rumblings around the net about that fact. Now notice that Weis was never was a HC in college or the pros. I think that is working out. By the way, do not worry about the Michigan factor. Once you are a Parcells/Belicheck/Weis guy, that is where your loyalty stays…for LIFE. ( Except for Mangini who might think of Bill B. as a dick and vica versa)

Yes he can! And now it will be in more ways than just playing quarterback and setting school records.

Ron Powlus looks to be the next Quarterback Coach, taking over for Peter Vass. This in essence may be just as critical a move as canning Rick Minter. There are 4 QBs in the stable now that All Universe high school stud Jimmy Clausen enrolled this week. Ron is a true Son of ND. Weis will need his help in evaluating the foursome (Sharpley, Jones, Frazer, and Clausen) and his tutelage will be vital in the progression of any of them. Plus is goes without saying really that Powlus will play a vital role with Clausen and the way in which Jimmy deals with the pressure of the hype that surrounds himself. Also it can not be understated that Ron will play a key part in recruiting. This is a great guy who undeservedly got hammered by the media AND fans alike. He could have a very long coaching career ahead of him with our beloved Irish.

About The Subway Domer

Warlord and Emperor of the Subway Alumni... also, I do this "dad" thing pretty damn well.
