Apples and Oranges…PS2 Challenge


This is a game that goes along with the comparative “Like apples and oranges”. Louisville has a dynamic offense that can do whatever it want to do. WF not so much. I’m not going to go much deeper than that for one reason, I haven’t been right for a lot of these games. Both of these teams are well coached but the Ville has more gamebreakers at more positions. WF however, has been going against the grain all season and just keeps winning. Look for more trick plays in this game, as I believe the Fiesta Bowl might have influenced both of these coaches.

  • Subway Domer——————UL 34 WF 27 Originally I have thought that this might be a blowout in favor of the Lou. But seeing what has transpired in the other bowls has led me to believe that these underdogs are showing up not just to show, but to win.
  • PS2—————————–UL 38 WF 24 WF could have won but turnovers and penalties in the 2nd half gave the game to the Lou. Brohm had 331 yds. and 3 TD.

Not the way I thought it was going to go, but I’ll take the win.

About The Subway Domer

Warlord and Emperor of the Subway Alumni... also, I do this "dad" thing pretty damn well.
