Copycats, Copybucks, Copymakers And So Forth

You saw this coming, right? Have you been saving up the comebacks? For as long as Notre Dame has had its T.V. contract with NBC, the fans of the Big Integer have dogged ND about it. Well, maybe their contempt was out of pure jealousy.
On Friday the 18th, The Big Ten network sent out a letter to bloggers intergerwide. Here are the contents:

Hey Everyone,On Monday, May 21st, I will be sending you an open letter from Mark Silverman, president of the Big Ten Network regarding some key questions/answers that Big Ten fans have about the network. Also, we are planning an open Webchat with Mark Silverman on the site on Thursday, May 24th at 1:00 p.m. EDT. I hope you can join us.
If possible, will you please share this letter and promote the Webchat on your individual sites, it would be much appreciated. Also, we are planning something special for you all in support of the network. If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to contact me.
Take care and have a great weekend!

Bribery. Get the word out and get some treats. The best news about this new network is that the great games of Indiana VS. Northwestern or Illinois VS. Minnesota will now be seen on their network and not on ESPN. Now ESPN can fill its slots up with Duke VS. East Carolina or Baylor VS. Rice.
This is of course, an obvious cash grab for another greedy conference. Yes, this network is going to show more than just football, but let’s face it…football is king and the nucleus. This is another direction the big conference schools are going to further line their pockets with dough. This is why you will NEVER see a playoff in 1A or even a plus one game.
Say what you will about ND and NBC. The fact is, is that ND goes with the flow of the other Universities and does what it must to survive as an independent. The conferences are trying to do all they can to destroy that. Their money means control and to do things their way. If it weren’t for the NBC contract, ND may be forced into doing things it doesn’t want to do as far as scheduling and so forth.
Try as they might, no Big Integer school will EVER have the draw or the prestige of ND… but they will try.

About The Subway Domer

Warlord and Emperor of the Subway Alumni... also, I do this "dad" thing pretty damn well.
