McDonald Stays Catholic And Weis Gets Smarter

Anthony McDonald made a bold decision. He would not follow family tradition. He will go his own way. What the hell am I talking about, you ask? Today Anthony chose Notre Dame to be his school of choice.

Anthony is a 6’3″ linebacker from Sherman Oaks, California. His father played for USC and in the NFL. Anthony currently attends Notre Dame High School, where as you can see by the picture, has the same uniforms as the University of Notre Dame. (Albeit the early ’90s version.)

After watching his game tape, it is easy to see why he is a very sought after prospect. He is very big, very fast, and very mean… or in Charlie’s terms “Thick, Quick, And Nasty.” McDonald has great instincts and hits like a [insert cliche here].

This is the 7th commitment for the incoming class of 2008 for the Irish. It may also be one of the most important. Why? McDonald is the 2nd linebacker to commit in this class. And as that is pretty awesome in itself it is also going to force the hand of some other top prospects to decide about ND. Charlie is adapting to the recruiting world and taking a page out of Mack Browns Philosophy. With 6 other LB offers out there that are known, McDonald’s commitment is filling up the roster need. ND will probably only take 2 more LBs, so a guy like Darius Flemming may pull the trigger soon to guarantee a spot. Why is this so fantastic? (Besides getting a blue-chipper). It will allow for more time to work on other players of need for the 2009 class. Texas is the map, and Weis is doing the smart thing in following that direction to which it leads. That is a great recruiting class this year and beyond, with less kids that are likely to jump ship.

About The Subway Domer

Warlord and Emperor of the Subway Alumni... also, I do this "dad" thing pretty damn well.
