Spring Updates

My sincere apologies to the 7 people who read this blog regularly. I have been an absentee landlord. Actually, I have been focusing most of my efforts on baseball (fantasy and the dominant Tigers) and work.

I do have some updates for the spring now that practices have been underway.

  • The 4 captains were chosen and it comes as no surprise to me. Travis Thomas, Tom Zbikowski, John Carlson, and Maurice Crum. T2 and Zibby make it a 2nd year in a row which is quite the accomplishment.
  • Gary Gray broke his right forearm and will be out 4-6 weeks with a cast.
  • Munir Prince made the move to CB after requesting it with Coach Weis.
  • Demetrius Jones is now #3. He said he never knew any “busters” to wear that number.
  • Toryan Smith has looked extremely good in the drills that I have seen. They were quick glimpses, but this thought is also echoed by another reporter attending the sessions. He has also lost a little weight.
  • Chris Stewart is a BIG man. Weis called him a big muchacho.
  • Weis has still not named the starting QB against Georgia Tech. What the hell?

Please stay tuned for more updates. They will probably be about every other day or so until the Blue-Gold Game. I am postponing my position battles until after April 21. I will then look retrospectively at each position as opposed to trying to be Nostradamus.

Trevor Laws Says To Read Subway Domer… OR ELSE!!!

About The Subway Domer

Warlord and Emperor of the Subway Alumni... also, I do this "dad" thing pretty damn well.
