From The Mind Of $crot

I welcome a new member of the Subway Domer team, $crot. He will be providing a weekly commentary of HIS thoughts, dreams, and hopes for the Football team. Here is his first excerpt which was e-mailed to me today…

From the mind of Scrot
September 17, 2007
Before the season I thought that this team might struggle a little. I thought that the lack of experience would hurt us in critical situations. I spent another preseason listening to Mark May run his mouth about us starting out the year 0-8, while he was obviously trying hard to start shit with Lou. I watched him go on and on about how bad we were going to be. I just kicked back and said to myself, “This guy’s full of shit”. The problem I am faced with now is that I half-ass believe him now.
While watching the Michigan Massacre I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! The O-Line is god awful. We are trying to groom a freshman quarterback to be the next best thing when he’s running for his life. Clausen holds on to the ball too long. The defense is playing on their heels. We made Mike “Bacca” Hart look like a top 5 NFL prospect (when he’s clearly not). Price is the only player that’s doing his job. I don’t think of myself as a football genius, but when your punter is having the best year on your team, something must be wrong.
So who gets the blame? Are the players that bad, or are they not being prepared well enough. Clausen has shown some signs that he’s going to be OK. Personally I thought he looked very frustrated with the play calling. Where are these highly rated recruits that were supposed to be one of the best classes in the country? Where’s Travis Thomas? Are the new players not mixing well with the old players, or even some of Willingham’s holdovers? Something has got to give and it has to happen this week.
Michigan State always comes ready to play in South Bend. They have a new coach and are looking for revenge from the game they gave away last year. This game is a must win for the Irish and can help set the tone for the rest of the season. Here is my one suggestion for the coaching staff: Get back to the basics! Use a power running game to set up the pass. Get Clausen out of the gun and under center. Use some 3 step drops and have him get rid of the ball. Please go back to the 4-3 defense. Sustain a drive and score a touchdown.
The fact of the matter is that ND has NEVER started a year 0-4. Not Davie, not Willingham, no one. It’s high time that Coach Weis figure out that he’s not a genius and the basics are what can win games.

About The Subway Domer

Warlord and Emperor of the Subway Alumni... also, I do this "dad" thing pretty damn well.
