Post-Game Rant… Days Later

I have tried to write a post for the Georgia Tech game since Sunday night. It just isn’t working. This must be how Weis must have felt ( at least a little) on Saturday. Nothing I am typing down is really flowing or has any real rhythm to its reason. Frustrated, I am going to go into a point for point mini-rant. So much has changed since Saturday, meaning that my outlook for the season has become cloudy at best. So here are a few of the observations that I have made surrounding the game, the fans, the media… all of it.

  • At least the pressure is off of winning a National Title. Please take this as a notice to breath during each game.
  • Anthony Vernaglia played VERY well. He was a bright spot and a surprise on Saturday with his tenacity.
  • The offensive line is in bad shape. They are young and were going up against a defense that feasts on young lines and young QBs. But, they must improve if the Irish are going to do anything on offense this year.
  • The running game is not as bad as it seemed on Saturday. At least the Running backs anyways. I know everyone is down on Thomas, but try getting any positive yards after you are hit by 2 defenders 1 secound after you receive the ball. Once again the O-Line MUST get it done in the trenches for these backs to do anything. Aldridge looked very capable of taking over the #1 spot. Allen had a good showing on why Weis is so high on him as a burner. He looked very fast and with more reps, will be a threat this year.
  • The message boards on the net were unreadable following the game and into last night. Everyone needs to chill the fuck out! Yes, this sucks. I was as pissed as the next guy but some of you are getting borderline psychotic. Weis is a good coach and should get called out for his mistakes, but firing him… get real.
  • This is a young team. A lot of freshman and sophomores saw the field and had significant playing time. This will mean that we will struggle because of our youth. Even some juniors who played have not seen much playing time as well, so, there is hope that this was a learning experience.
  • Some people in the media are still lazy assholes still playing the speed and talent card (or lack there of). My answer to them is to read the above post and then look at our last three recruiting classes. Help is here. But again we are young and inexperienced and have a new defensive scheme. Even Bob Davie stood up for ND and said as much on the radio. Not that we need his approval, but he is a hater and sees what kind of a make-up this team has.
  • Georgia Tech is a SOLID football team. They may be very underrated and will be in hunt for BIG things this season. Tashard Choice is a Heisman caliber running back.
  • Start getting geared up for Penn State.
  • Clausen should be starting but it will be Sharpley. This will be known in a little while today at Weis’s presser. How do I know? I don’t. It’s called a guess stupid.
  • Remember to breath.
  • 6 or 7 wins is still very managable. This may not be what we want, but it will be enough for a bowl appearance, and this young team will need the extra practice time going into next year.
  • The season is not over. The program is not in shambles. This is… a rebuilding year after all.

About The Subway Domer

Warlord and Emperor of the Subway Alumni... also, I do this "dad" thing pretty damn well.
