Rebuilding? “May God Strike Me Dead.”

The first press conference of the season got underway today. There was the usual questions asked of Weis, and he really gave them no answer. ” Who’s the starter coach?” Like he was going to tell if he did know. But that’s why they pay reporters… to be idiots.

The video archive is up and running of the PC on and the transcript will be up shortly as well.

These are a FEW of the highlights of the PC.

  • When asked about this being a rebuilding year. Weis said that he doesn’t use that word. The press does. He also gave this quote, “May God strike me dead if I ever use that word.” One line to instill the confidence of the entire ND Nation.
  • He is not happy with the new no texting ban for recruiting. He said that was a valuable tool for him and on the last day for it, July 31, he sent out a “million”. He also said he was going through “text withdraw” the next day.
  • When he was asked, by some idiot, about if ND has changed him as it did with Holtz, Ara, etc. -meaning if he was feeling the pressure and felt he could go elsewhere, Weis listed off the inventory of his “sweet” home and the amenities. Said he feels great and feels better than when he arrived in 2005.
  • Cut Joe Schadd (ESPN) off and gave a look as he answered another question about Clausen and his elbow. He will name each ND QB as the starter until GT…and then say he knew it.

There is more to come today on with players and assistants. Stay tuned to Subway Domer for more updates.

About The Subway Domer

Warlord and Emperor of the Subway Alumni... also, I do this "dad" thing pretty damn well.
