Polish Pride

With the college football season just a month away, the talking heads are out in full force on T.V. and radio. Most think U$C will walk away with the NC and Booty is going to be the Heisman front-runner. And while this may have some truth to it, remember 2005. Texas beat U$C (despite ESPN claiming all season that the 2005 Trojans were the greatest team…ever) and Reggie Bush took home the Heisman, which should have gone to Young.

Now certainly nobody should consider the Irish as National Title contenders this year. It just isn’t feasible. However, the Heisman trophy could wind up in South Bend doing the Polka. How and why? Tom Zbikowski. No? Well, I know he plays defense, and that is the major obstacle in any players bid for the hardware. Charles Woodson did it for Michigan, so why not the Polish Pugilist?

Zibby is a force. In 2005, he made a huge name for himself with big play after big play. Whether it was a punt return, INT return, or a fumble return for TD- he was a playmaker. Let’s fast forward to 2007. Zibby is 100% healthy and trimmer than 2006. His main concentration all off-season has been football. He was not training to knock out Buckeye wannabes, he has been training to knock out guys like Booty, Henne, and Morelli. But in order to accomplish what seems to be an impossible feat, he does need some help. Charlie Weis.

If you gave me 5 minutes with Weis, I would spend the entire time laying out these points.
  • Take a page from Holtz’s playbook and put a #9 at running back inside the 10 yard line.
  • Take a page from Michigan’s playbook—-(sorry, lightning just struck my house) and line him up at WR or in the slot from time to time.
  • Keep him returning punts.
  • Consider him to return kicks.
  • Talk him up and promote the trophy.

If Zibby gets the ball in his hands, he can-and will score. With all the inexperience on offense, I have no doubt he can improve our chances of winning with the rock in his arms. It may be a long shot, but isn’t this year exactly that- a long shot? Put a little Polish Pride in the Irish “O” and Zibby may bring home number 8 to Our Lady of the Lake.

About The Subway Domer

Warlord and Emperor of the Subway Alumni... also, I do this "dad" thing pretty damn well.
