Blogpoll Top 25 Ballot: Week 2

So this week is what I call "Conventional Wisdom Week" and I hate conventional wisdom. It is so called because this is the week that my ballot starts looking more and more like a typical AP or USA today ballot with some picks that I was high on just not panning out (looking at you Nebraska, OkSU, and Wisconsin). You will see that there is very little movement in my top ten as all of last week's top ten came away winners. On the strength of LSU dismantling Washington I moved them up a spot to #2, but otherwise things are the same. The REAL change is with the next tier where there was a lot of falling and a lot of climbing. To begin with I know that Florida State is in everyone else's top ten but I just can't do it with wins against Murray State and Savannah State. They will stay outside the top ten until they prove they can beat some bigger programs. The big movers on my board are Texas and K-State as both looked impressive. Louisville, BYU, Arizona and Florida make my list with solid wins. Oh and ND moves up despite the big "meh" we all saw Saturday against the Boilers (granted injuries and a surprisingly game group from Purdue were a huge factor). Let's see how things shake out this weekend!
