Irish Blogger Gathering: I Got A Big Ego

michigan ibg
It’s Michigan week people. The weekly IBG is hosted by Her Loyal Sons. Why? Because, FUCK MICHIGAN, that’s why.

Here we gooooooooo:

1) Well that result really sucked. Please describe how you feel about the loss using lyrics from a pop diva (eg Brittany Spears, Rihanna, etc) song. Bonus points for video or pictures. (something good has to come out of last week)

All I really have is me, myself, and I. Dayne Crist is looking at the best thing be never had. In the end, my ego was too big, too strong, it don’t fit, it’s too much, it’s too tough- I can talk like this, because I can back it up; I GOT A BIG EGO! SUCH A HUGE EGO!!!

Ladies and gentelmen, I present a trio of feeling from the Queen B. Beyonce. (She’s in lingerie and dancing like stripper. BONUS!!!)

2) While we all want to move on, last week’s game can teach us many things about the ’11 Irish. After seeing what Week 1 brought us, do you find yourself more confident, less confident, or still confused as hell about our chances vs the Skunkbears? Why?

Confused as all hell. I still think this team is talented and will have a chance to win every game this year, however; will they? I’m not sure how this loss will affect Notre Dame during this brutal stretch of games, and in particular Michigan.

Notre Dame should have won the past two years, and instead lost both of those games. The line is sitting around 3.5 points with ND being the favorite. Before I saw any lines, I predicted a 31-27 Irish victory. However, I just don’t know…

3) Other than QB, which position group pleasantly surprised you this past week? Which disappointed? What player absolutely MUST see more time in Week 2? Again, no QBs.

The defensive line played better than I expected, with Louis Nix showing that he has the stamina to be a BALLA.

The WR group as a whole disappointed. Michael Floyd is All-Life and gets the pass, but Riddick and Jones made too many mistakes. Other WR’s were invisible; not good.

The word “must” is probably alluding to Toma, and yes, I agree. Toma was a non factor Saturday. Please reverse that.

4) Tommy Rees will lead the Irish Offense this week. Do you agree with Coach’s call? Either way, what part of Crist’s game will the Irish O miss the most, if any?

He had to go with Rees after he pulled Crist. I didn’t like the way that went down and I have already said my peace on that. I’m moving on. I think against a pretty good Michigan defensive line, it would have been nice to have Crist running ability on the field. However, Tommy Gun is the man, and he shall mow them down with his confidence.

5) What’s the key to beating the Wolverines this week? Just 1 thing. Not 2. 1.

Diffusing the Denard Bomb. If Notre Dame can control him and force 3rd and long, then that should be just enough to win the game. It’s that simple. Cut that freak off and we shall be dancing on the field in a postgame Skunkbear Blood Orgy. Hurray!

6) Make your Over-Under Picks:

  • Over-under on Floyd’s receiving total for this coming weekend: 154 —> Under. 130ish.
  • Over-under on Robinson’s rushing total: 100 —> Over. 110ish.
  • Over-under on ND Number of Turnovers: 2 —> Under. One. No ish.
  • Over-under on Number of Times Kelly is caught Purple Monstering Out: 2 —>Way over. ESPN will have a dedicated camera
  • Over-under on ND Total Yards: 425 —>Over. 476 yards mang!

7) Michigan: Just Another Opponent, Enemy, or Rival? Explain. 1 Bonus point for each use of the word ‘suck’.

Rival. I know this comes at some displeasure to our friends at Her Loyal Sons (who can’t seem to be able to use the right image for the IBG this year- ahem), but I can’t lie to myself. The players are what drives every series. As much as we point to history, and Michigan trying to flat out destroy the program was a real dick thing to do- this isn’t then. This is now. The guys on the team would call this a rivalry, therefore I do. Geographically, the record against each other, and now the determination by both schools to play every year, makes this the country’s oldest new rivalry. Rivalry. If you really want to see MQ get pissed, have him ask me about Boston College.

8) It’s Michigan week. Name 1 thing in the world that sucks as much as Michigan, if you can.

Wives on diets. It’s cool and all they they are toning up and looking good for you, but the expect the same in return. If she is going to look like she did when you dated, GOD DAMMIT YOU ARE GOING TO BE AS IN SHAPE AS EVER. It sucks. It really sucks, mainly because ofthe bickering from my everyday setbacks. Oooooohhhhhhh! Ribs and cheesecake. Hells yeah!

9) RichRod is back, announcing for CBS. Can’t wait to see how that goes. Bet he’s horrible.

Yeah, he fucking sucks. But, hey… so does Michigan. Not sure what we should have expected.


About The Subway Domer

Warlord and Emperor of the Subway Alumni... also, I do this "dad" thing pretty damn well.
