Taking the Subway

A few weeks back Blog Davie and I were sitting around still wallowing in the horribleness of the @ChampSportsBowl and wondering if we could ever again find meaning in life. It was a bleak time. Recruits and assistant coaches were dropping like flies. The program seemed adrift.

Then, just when we were most filled with anger and despair, a DM on Twitter arrived.  It was Subway Domer with the message we needed to hear: “Give in to your hate. Join SubwayDomer.com.” Blog and I were intrigued. SubwayDomer has been a terrific Notre Dame blog for five years which in internet years practically makes this place an institution. We, OTOH, had only been doing this blogging thing for a little over five months and we were just getting comfortable in our little corner of the internet at GameDay40.com.  What would we do?

In the end Subway’s offer was just too good to resist. Blog and I write because we enjoy being a part of the #NDFB conversation and we’re hopeful to make a modest contribution to this site. We’ll keep Gameday40.com going as an outlet for occasional non-#NDFB writing, but the great bulk of our posting will shift over here. So as of today we’re hopping onboard the Subway. Next stop, an undefeated season and MNC for ND! (Cue Subway Domer with a righteous “Fuck Yeah!”)

PS: As much as Subway Domer likes to style himself as a blogging Palpatine, the original Emperor is George Lucas. Tonight, join me in striking a blow against the Lucas Empire by refusing to see The Phantom Menace in 3D. Stay home instead and pop in your copy of Episode IV, the non-special edition where Han shoots first. Your kids will thank you when they are old enough.
the empire 
